Volker Nurk, Diplom Sozialpädagoge, ausgebildet als Systemischer Therapeut und in Körperpsychotherapie bietet Systemische Therapie und Beratung, sowie Körperpsychotherapie für Einzelne, Paare und Familien in Berlin-Pankow. Psychotherapie nach Heilpraktikergesetz
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The art of being a couple…

Sharing your life with another person can be one of the greatest joys experi­en­ced. It can bring incredi­ble feelings of comfort, happi­ness and passi­on. But what happens when a couple starts to strugg­le… when the feeling of bliss turns to anger, resent­ment and frustra­ti­on? No one who opens their heart to another is immune to these strug­gles. Whether you are gay, strai­ght, trans­gen­der or in an inter­faith or multi­cul­tu­ral relati­ons­hip, love can be painful.


Often times, outside influ­en­ces such as reloca­ti­on, work condi­ti­ons or finan­cial pressu­res can put undue stress on relati­ons­hips causing even the closest couples to disagree. Infide­li­ty and decre­a­sed sexual attrac­tion can also result in loss of love. If left unresol­ved, these issues build and over time cause a break­down in commu­ni­ca­ti­on; allowing the couple to grow apart.

Couples Therapy/Counseling can help…


You have options. You can seek help. By uncovering the past, a trained therapist/counselor can help you not only build a stron­ger relati­ons­hip but a stron­ger you — encou­ra­ging the chance for a new begin­ning.


I will help you pinpoint the issues causing tensi­on in your relati­ons­hip and assist you in develo­ping the essen­ti­al skills needed to recogni­ze each other’s needs more clear­ly.